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History and Today

Uganda embodies the strength and resilience of human nature.  After decades of British rule in the 20th century, Uganda become an independent nation.  It's fertile land and big agriculture background give the country its rich communities and character.


Some years of bad rule, racism, and violence in the past have led to what the country is today.  The liberation of its people is based around the progressiveness and toughness of their communities.


Ugandans love food.  It plays a huge role in culture and the economy.  Typically, families eat two meals a day, lunch and supper so solar cookers can potentially change the way they prepare and eat meals nationally.



Today Uganda's population is about 44.5 million people and growing! The last census (2015) says that about 47.2% of the population is aged 0-14, 49.2% is aged 15-64, and 2.7% is aged 65+.  This is a common spread of ages for developing countries like Uganda.


Uganda's suburan and rural areas are very underdeveloped and lacking infrastructure.  Theyface problems such lack of clean water, electricity, and road systems.  These are common problems for most areas of this region (and not just Uganda).


Recently, political differneces and corruption have affected daily life in the country.  Days ago, over 200 people were arrested in a joint operation between police and the army.



Beacon of Hope


  • Births per year: 1.5 million roughly

  • Deaths per year: 370,000 roughly

  • Increse of about 1.2 million from 2010

  • Life expectancy: roughly 58 years old

    • Highest ever​

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